Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality

The comparison between the two sides is a special existence in the headset industry. Their technical focus may not be sound quality, it is easy for everyone to have an illusion - it does not have the high sound quality of high-end headphones. Their names It is the noise canceling earphone that is easily overlooked in the earphone enthusiasts.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
Sony MDR-1RNC uses digital noise reduction technology to provide noise reduction while avoiding the impact on sound quality. About its noise reduction principle, Xiaobian will introduce in detail later. S-Master digital power amplifier technology and DSEE, in the restoration High-quality sound can also make up for the compressed high-frequency information. The liquid crystal polymer diaphragm can simultaneously take into account the elasticity of the bass and the tight mid-high sound. These are the sound quality magic of Sony MDR-1RNC. Don't look at it as noise-cancelling headphones. Sony MDR-1R can be said to be the younger brother of the famous Sony Z1000, and the noise reduction version of the MDR-1RNC has a 50mm drive unit.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
In contrast, the Logitech UE9000 is also a main noise reduction headset. It can turn on the internal amp while noise reduction, so that the sound performance is better. Before the amp is turned on, the sound of the UE9000 is gentle and elegant. Rough. Regarding its specific performance, we have also done detailed evaluation before. Noise canceling headphones is not a very new technology, but has never been recognized and affirmed by players. In order to show Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 The true level, the sound quality changes before and after noise reduction is a must. Let us actually experience the real effect of the noise reduction headphones.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
In the selection of the first song, Utada Hikaru's Passion can be said to be a good opening in view of the unique impedance and sound field of the big headphones. As the theme song of "Kingdom of the Heart II" in Japan, the Passion song is a big hit and the future. Elements, the overall grasp of the headset has a certain test.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
UE9000's performance is very balanced, or there are not many bright spots and no shortcomings to describe better. Although most of the sound field of pop music is added later, UE9000 will still have a good sense of envelopment and atmosphere. The elasticity and overtone of the UE9000 bass are lacking. The most obvious is that it is easily covered by the intermediate frequency. The lack of overtones causes the continuity of the bass to be not strong. Of course, it is not a drag. The moderate bass elasticity and overtone can form an exciting bass. The sense of speed is especially like the R&B style with strong rhythm like Passion. In general, the sound of UE9000 is meticulous and tri-band balanced. The coloring of Logitech UE is not obvious, so the whole song can be described by light. The sound and instrumental image is loose, but the UE9000 still shows the qualities it deserves.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
MDR-1RNC has obvious differences in opening sound, which is better than UE9000. And MDR-1RNC is the standard popular direction, the sound field is tightened, the low frequency is rich, and the vocal standing is natural, the sense of line The characterization is more obvious. The concrete sound of Utada Hikaru is undulating, clear and audible, and the dyeing foundation begins to appear. Although the sound field of the MDR-1RNC is not as open as the UE9000, the pop music feels even worse. In terms of feeling, MDR-1RNC is very good. The duplication of the bass has created a good atmosphere of Passion, while the high frequency of MDR-1RNC is natural and delicate, and the overall tone does not appear very turbid. The powerful analysis makes various kinds in the sound field. The elements are freely retractable. The metaphor of UE9000 is a refreshing lemon black tea, and MDR-1RNC is a cup of rich coffee.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
Just like the different styles of the same brand, the Logitech UE9000 and the Sony MDR-1RNC have different voices. If the resolution is strong, I am afraid that MDR-1RNC is even better. The taste is rich, but the details are not lost, so the tone is Still transparent and fascinating. The UE9000 is very balanced and the tone is unbiased. Then let's try another small and fresh song.
The first time I heard this song, it was in the episode of "Impression of Tokyo" N years ago. At that time, the program screen was full of fireworks. With this song, I felt that there was a sense of incompatibility. In my eyes The summer sky is clear and comfortable. Just like the erhu sound interspersed in this song, it is clean and long. J-pop has always been good at using folk instruments to make songs. Although I don't know Japanese, I also sing along with the songs. I can imagine the peace and beauty of the summer night sky.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
Sony MDR-1RNC still shows a solid foundation, the bass is very powerful. Its sound field is very limited, and the atmosphere is full and crowded. The song of summer is different from Passion, it is better to let the sound go. The resolution of the liquid crystal diaphragm is not trivial. The sound of big love is as smooth and sweet as chocolate. The high-pitched performance is clear and extended naturally. It is not very prominent and high. The pursuit of MDR-1RNC is still a sound. Kind of enthusiasm and fullness.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
Looking at the UE9000 again, it is expected to be much fresher. Like the MDR-1RNC, the dive of the bass is in place, but the overtone is not as good as the former. Unlike the delicate high frequency of the MDR-1RNC, the high frequency of the UE9000 is Slim and dyed. The voice of Da Yu's love has become much younger. Different from the density of MDR-1RNC, it is a word of "equilibrium". The difference in style has created different summer days.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
In the face of the summer song, UE9000 and MDR-1RNC seem to have gone to two extremes. One is fresh but weak, one is thick but crowded, but this is exactly their own characteristics. From a fresh perspective, Logitech UE9000 is more in line with the theme of summer air. The balanced sound is very unique in UE9000, and it is suitable to describe it with small freshness. While the middle and high notes of MDR-1RNC are full, the crowded sound field is still stubborn on the tuning. However, it has better resolution and the sound is not adaptable.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
Before starting, Xiaobian first introduced the noise reduction technology used by both parties. The Sony MDR-1RNC uses a digital noise reduction system. Unlike analog noise reduction, the latter collects noise through a microphone and then emits a reverse The sound wave cancels the noise to achieve the purpose of noise reduction. The digital noise reduction system uses an internal noise reduction engine to eliminate the noise in the sound through hardware and algorithms. The analog noise reduction and digital noise reduction can be understood as neutralization, the latter. Can be understood as filtering.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
Although the Logitech UE9000 does not mention much of this technology, it is closer to Sony in terms of filtering. However, even in digital noise reduction systems, there are many different methods. Reverse in analog noise reduction. Sound waves are still the main way to reduce noise in digital noise reduction.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
In the noise reduction system, both the MDR-1RNC and the UE9000 use digital noise reduction technology. Compared with the analog noise reduction, the impact on the sound quality is smaller. So is there any difference in the actual effect? ​​We chose Jack White. The Freedom At 21 Guitar element is a very strong piece of music, testing the ability of noise reduction to restore vocals, especially instrumental music. The UE9000 will enable the internal amp while turning on noise reduction, and the MDR-1RNC will have S-Master and DSEE. Blessing.
As mentioned earlier, although the sound field of the UE9000 is large, the sound density has decreased. In layman's terms, there is no certain momentum in a limited space. This situation is also obvious on the Freedom At 21. Although the resolution of the UE9000 is good, the thinness of the sound causes the guitar to lose its freedom of being unrestrained.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
We turned on noise reduction, and instantly felt that the low-frequency sound was significantly denoised. The sound of the air conditioner was almost inaudible, and the surrounding conversation became distant and covered with a layer of yarn. During the wearing process, we did not feel uncomfortable. The boring head of noise reduction is not obvious. Back to the sound quality, the first time I feel the bass of the UE9000 is aggravated, the sound field immediately becomes full, but still maintains the original balanced thinking. After the UE9000 turns on noise reduction and amp, Tri-band has evolved in all aspects. The fierce guitar sound under the low frequency has a sense of oppression and air. You can feel the rise of the guitar sound as it dies, and it slowly melts in the brain. Electronic string sound.
The MDR-1RNC low frequency before the noise reduction is still as strong as ever, the guitar has a very good sense of speed and foundation. The sound is not as fresh as the UE9000, and the strong feeling has always been the theme of the MDR-1RNC. So no matter what element Under the deduction of MDR-1RNC, it will become enthusiastic. The same is true for Freedom At 21. Unlike the UE9000 without the amp, the MDR-1RNC guitar sound has a strong tremor.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
Turning on the noise reduction of MDR-1RNC is more obvious than the noise suppression effect of UE9000. The boring head is not heavy, but because of the surrounding space, you feel that the amount of information in the head is very large. The various sounds become more distant, even if it is The close-range typing sound seems to be echoed. And it is very interesting that the MDR-1RNC has gone differently from the UE9000. The latter turns on the noise reduction to start the amp, and the low frequency is significantly enhanced. The MDR-1RNC starts to drop. After the noise, the sound is refreshed a lot. The elasticity and overtone of the bass are far less strong than before, but the dive is still enough. On the basis of maintaining the original sound field, the sound density has not decreased. In this respect, the MDR-1RNC is controlled. Very good. In addition, the guitar sound has tightened a lot. It was as rich as chewing chocolate. This time it was so refreshing as a milkshake. The difference between MDR-1RNC and noise reduction is very big, so you can't believe it is the same. Pair of headphones.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
It can be said that after the noise reduction is turned on, the gap between the UE9000 and the MDR-1RNC is further narrowed. The former obviously feels the low frequency enhancement, and the sound that is introduced is more powerful. The momentum can even cover the MDR-1RNC after the noise reduction is turned on. There is a tendency to reverse. The resolution of the MDR-1RNC before and after noise reduction does not change much, and the overall sound performance is still better than the UE9000. The delicate high frequency of the MDR-1RNC and the touch on the intermediate frequency are A big advantage. The so-called delicate high frequency does not mean how smooth the sound is, but the low frequency performance, no matter how eye-catching, can maintain the cleanliness and freshness of the sound.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
On weekdays, everyone's impression of noise-reducing headphones seems to be heavy-duty and light-quality. Because in the past, relying on only a limited volume to achieve sound quality and noise reduction, it seems to be a very difficult process. With the development of technology, the noise reduction system The impact of sound quality has become smaller and smaller. High-end portable headphones such as Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 can satisfy the consumer groups who are critical to sound quality and need to reduce noise. Sony MDR-1RNC has noise reduction. At the same time, the liquid crystal polymer diaphragm provides a very strong resolution. The actual effect of noise reduction is also satisfactory. The Logitech UE9000's amp capability exceeds expectations, and the sound quality is further improved. No matter which side, you are Can't ignore its outstanding sound quality.
Sony MDR-1RNC and Logitech UE9000 noise reduction sound quality
After all, for the street, the biggest enemy of sound quality is noise. The original intention of noise reduction is also to protect the excellent listening experience of the outdoor. So we should pay more attention to the positive effect brought by noise reduction, not because it is because Noise reduction and possible sacrifice of sound quality. This is also the current love of the battlefield, I want to tell everyone.

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